Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Nation Hosts Second Annual Food Summit - P4

RED LAKE - On September 13th to the 16th, 2017, Red Lake members and others from around the region gathered at the Redby Community Center, the Red Lake Local Foods Initiative training garden and the Red Lake Nation College, for their second annual food summit.

Demonstrations included dressing deer, smoking fish, and snaring rabbits. There were also daylong sessions on indigenous seed saving, soil health and nutrient management, agriculture as business, animal farming, bee keeping, and several food demonstrations on smoked fish, maple sugar, wild rice, corn, natural teas, canning, and snaring. and sessions on treaties and food systems, and decolonizing the diet.

On Friday, Kade Ferris spoke about the "History of Red Lake Food" and a free event featuring Corey Medina and Brothers performed at the Red Lake Powwow Grounds in Red Lake.

Additional information:

Photographs by Tashia Hart, David Manuel and Cherlyn Spears


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