Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Georgia appeals court pauses lower-court proceedings in Trump election case

The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday ordered a halt to the proceedings in the election interference case against former president Donald Trump and eight other defendants pending the outcome of their appeal seeking to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis.

The order means the case, which accuses them of a criminal conspiracy to try to overturn Trump's defeat in the state, will almost certainly not be scheduled for trial before the fall election or even the new year. It remains unclear if the case against the six remaining co-defendants who did not sign on to the appeal will proceed.

The court announced Monday that oral arguments in the appeal of Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee's decision to allow Willis to continue prosecuting the case against Trump would happen in October, although the original tentative date is no longer set, according to a court spokeswoman. A new date had not been scheduled - though it was unlikely to occur before the fall, if the panel decides to hear oral arguments at all. A three-judge appeals panel has the duration of two full terms of its proceedings to issue a ruling, a period that would end in the first week of March.


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