Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Nation College Honors Thirty-Five Graduates on Friday, May 18, 2024 - P9

Red Lake Nation College:

We held one of our most inspiring RLNC Graduation Ceremonies yesterday! The Creator provided us with beautiful weather and location in front of our powerful RLNC Campus in Red Lake, and great student speakers with our top students - Sonny Johnson, Rebecca Bearskin and my son, Dana Lyons!

I'm so proud of all of our 35 grads and their families and friends who made it a special day for our entire Red Lake Nation! Miigwech to all of our Tribal Council and Chiefs for supporting us, and all faculty, staff and community members for backing our beautiful graduates!

We had a full house with total estimated attendance of 1,500 at Dinner, Ceremony, Indigenous Concert and the Fireworks show! Miigwech for your incredible community support.


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