Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

More bad weather could hit Iowa where 3 powerful tornadoes caused millions in damage

GREENFIELD, Iowa - One of the three powerful tornados that tore across Iowa this week left no property untouched along a mile-long path through the small city of Greenfield, Iowa, littering the way with remnants of splintered homes, smashed vehicles and shredded trees that once lined leafy streets.

On either side of this swath, picturesque homes and lawns seem untouched, and one might be hard-pressed to believe that a twister spinning at more than 136 mph (219 kph) ravaged the community of 2,000, killing four people and injuring at least 35.

At least 202 homes were destroyed by a series of tornadoes that raked the state on Tuesday, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said Thursday at a news conference. Most were in and around Greenfield. The count does not include businesses or other buildings destroyed or damaged, like Greenfield's 25-bed hospital.


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