Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Woman arrested in parked van alleges Derek Chauvin threw her to the ground, broke her tooth

When former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin approached her vehicle in January 2020, months before he murdered George Floyd, Patty Day said she was struggling emotionally, coping with a sad divorce from the father of her two young children and drinking too much.

In a federal civil rights lawsuit filed Tuesday by renowned police brutality lawyer Bob Bennett, Day said Chauvin escalated what should have been a routine roadside encounter into violence, leaving the woman with a broken front tooth, a bleeding hand, an injured shoulder and bruises all over her arms.

The lawsuit says Chauvin threw her face down in the street, "then assumed his signature pose, pressing his knee into the subdued and handcuffed Patty's back - just as he would later do to snuff the life out of George Floyd - and remaining that way well after Patty was controlled."


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