Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

A new vision for Minnesota's Capitol Mall released for public comment

SAINT PAUL, Minn. – The Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board (CAAPB) has released the Capitol Mall Design Framework for public comment. The Design Framework envisions actionable proposals to make the Capitol Mall more welcoming for more Minnesotans. This framework will act as a roadmap for phased implementation of investments in landscape, visitor facilities, accessibility, mobility infrastructure and community vitality. The CAAPB is inviting all Minnesotans to visit the project website and comment on the Design Framework before June 20, 2024.

The Design Framework was developed with the goal of making the Capitol Mall more welcoming for more Minnesotans. To represent Minnesota's great diversity, the design team has collaborated with thousands of community members across the state over the last five months. After an extensive initial analysis in late 2023, the team led a 4-day design session with 75 community members, hosted two online surveys with 2,425 responses, held 13 pop-ups across the state, hosted focus groups and a state-wide virtual workshop, and attended countless meetings with community groups, state agencies and others to gather design input. The final step in this process is to present the draft Design Framework for public comment before moving into implementation of phase 1 projects.

"We are excited to share the Capitol Mall Design Framework, which is the result of many voices, and the hard work of the project team. These changes represent a shared vision for the Capitol Mall, one that prioritizes accessibility, sustainability, and inclusivity. The Capitol belongs to all Minnesotans and this effort speaks to the heart of that." says Lt. Governor Peggy Flannagan, the chair of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board.

For more information and to provide input, please visit the project website at

The website is available in English, Hmong, Somali and Spanish.


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