Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Pioneer editorial: Let's all do our part to bring healing to our Indigenous community and beyond

Every year since National Missing and Murdered Indigenous Persons Day was established on May 5, 2021, either I or one of my coworkers have spent the day covering the missing murdered Indigenous women's event here in Bemidji.

Over the years we've seen the event grow into something increasingly impactful and moving to be a part of. The events are usually attended by several hundred people of all ages from around the region. Sometimes we see a few city councilors and occasionally we will see a police officer, the sheriff or other first responders attend.

But never have I seen any kind of widespread community support at these events - even though they're open to the public, publicized in our paper and online in addition to social media well before the events take place just like any other event in our community.


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