Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs hosts discussion on Native children

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs is hosting a roundtable discussion on a recent federal report about Native children.

The Alyce Spotted Bear and Walter Soboleff Commission was created by Congress to study issues affecting American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian youth. After several years of work, members of the federal panel delivered a report in February titled "The Way Forward."

"Throughout the last century, a succession of U.S. government reports has documented the conditions and circumstances in which Native children and youth live, and the adverse outcomes that these conditions and circumstances can produce," the opening section of the 258-page report reads. "Native communities have pushed back on that deficit focus, encouraging the Federal government, state governments, and other partners to look instead at the successes that Native children, youth, and families have realized-and to invest in programs and policies proven to generate wellbeing."


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