Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

University of Minnesota discloses $5 million in investments tied to Israel, defense spending

The University of Minnesota this week disclosed about $5 million in investments tied to companies based in Israel or defense contractors based in the United States, carrying out one portion of an agreement it made to end a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus.

The investments represent less than a quarter of 1 percent of the U's $2.27 billion endowment - and they come with some caveats. The investments are in the form of stocks and bonds, and the U said they are held indirectly, through broader funds. The disclosures also focused solely on publicly traded companies. U leaders have said "other investments are protected by non-disclosure agreements or other legal constraints."

The disclosures came days after interim U President Jeff Ettinger reached an agreement with protesters who had been calling on the U to divest from companies with ties to Israel, share information about their investments, and meet other demands. U officials didn't comment further on the disclosure, beyond acknowledging they were fulfilling a commitment and open to further discussions. The agreement gives them until mid-May to provide additional information.


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