Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Parenting in Gaza today is so much more than keeping your children alive

After more than six months of war, the children of the Gaza Strip have many questions their parents cannot answer. When will the war stop? How many more nights will they sleep on the floor? When can they go back to school? Some still ask after classmates who have been killed.

The adults don't know what to say.

They feel helpless, desperate and exhausted, they say - worn out by the challenge of tending to visible wounds and those their children try to hide.

To report this story, Washington Post journalists spoke by telephone with 21 parents and children from 15 families in Gaza between January and April. While each situation is unique, the men, women and children all described strikingly similar experiences, with the war exacting a punishing toll on their loved ones and their mental health.


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