Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters arrested at Yale, NYU

Columbia University canceled in-person classes, police arrested dozens of protesters at Yale and New York universities, and pro-Palestinian demonstrators set up encampments at other colleges Monday as tensions flared again on campuses across the country over the Israel-Gaza war.

Students at many schools are escalating protests over the war, living in tents on campus, disrupting university events, and risking and provoking arrest, leading to a growing sense of chaos and crackdown at colleges in the waning days of the academic year. College leaders are facing intense scrutiny over whether they are doing enough to protect students, faculty and staff against alleged antisemitism and other bias since the Oct. 7 Hamas attack and resulting war - even as they confront scathing criticism from those who say they're denying students' right to speak out and censoring political protests.

The latest protests - stretching across an array of private and public colleges and universities - come days after more than 100 demonstrators were arrested at Columbia, sparking acts of solidarity at other institutions including Boston University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Encampments and other protests also sprang up at campuses such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California at Berkeley.


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