Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

U.S. vetoes U.N. resolution backing full membership for Palestinian state

The Biden administration voted against a United Nations Security Council resolution that aimed to extend full member status to a Palestinian state Thursday. The final vote was 12 in favor, one against, with two countries - the United Kingdom and Switzerland - abstaining. If the resolution had been approved by the council, the issue would have then gone to the U.N. General Assembly, where two-thirds of the 193 member countries would have had to agree. Robert Wood, the alternate American representative to the United Nations, said after the vote that "the United States continues to strongly support a two state solution."

The United States was alone Thursday in voting against a U.N. Security Council resolution that would advance the Palestinian Authority's bid for full membership status at the United Nations.

The single veto killed the measure, proposed by Algeria on behalf of Arab nations. Britain and Switzerland abstained.

U.S. officials had warned earlier Thursday that voting for statehood now would undermine efforts at a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians. The Biden administration lobbied many of the 15 Security Council members to join it in rejecting the measure.


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