Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Alex Murdaugh sentenced to 40 years for financial crimes

Convicted murderer Alex Murdaugh was sentenced in federal court on Monday to 40 years in prison for nearly two dozen financial crimes, 13 months after the former lawyer was found guilty of killing his wife and son.

Murdaugh, who is already serving two life sentences, pleaded guilty to 22 financial crimes in September. He admitted to laundering at least $6 million from clients he represented in court, according to federal court records. Murdaugh said during his live-streamed murder trial that bad land deals and his addiction to opiates created a decade-long cycle of borrowing and spending that left the family on a bad financial footing.

Prosecutors say they identified 25 victims of Murdaugh's financial crimes, nearly half of whom did not want to relive their experiences in a courtroom.


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