Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Attorneys Speak Out Against Attempts to Interfere in Prosecution of Minnesota Trooper Charged With Murder in Killing of Black Man

MINNEAPOLIS, MN - Attorneys for the family of Ricky Cobb II, the 33-year-old Black man shot and killed by Minnesota State Trooper Ryan Londregan during a routine traffic stop, released the following statement today regarding political efforts to influence and halt Londregan’s prosecution for 2nd Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Manslaughter and 1st Degree Assault by Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty.

Cobb’s family is represented by nationally renowned civil rights attorneys Bakari Sellers and Harry Daniels as well as F. Clayton Tyler.

The statement reads as follows:

“This isn’t about justice. If it was, politicians and the police union wouldn’t be trying to influence an active prosecution. This is about trying to subvert the wills of the grand jury and the people of Hennepin County.

“This family has one ask: that this be treated like any other murder case. We call on Governor Walz to put justice before politics and let County Attorney Moriarty bring this prosecution without any further interference. Reassigning this case would create a clear conflict of interests and removing it from the County Attorney should not be an option. Mr. Cobb’s family has suffered enough. They don’t deserve this too.

“The police union may want to defend a murderer who gunned down an unarmed man. The Governor should not.”


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