Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Maple syrup season pours on after record early starts

SEBEKA, Minn. - Maple sap has been dripping, and in some cases gushing, weeks earlier than normal for Minnesota's maple syrup producers.

The maple woods are normally just waking up and beginning to get the juices flowing in mid-March, but for producers like Les Schwartz, who taps maple and birch trees near Sebeka, Minnesota, the season has been going strong since mid-February.

"This year we started a lot earlier than most years. We collected our first sap on the 22nd (of February). That's about six weeks earlier than last year, probably three to four weeks earlier than normal," Schwartz said. "Since there's no snow, it's warmed up a lot faster and so the sap started running sooner."


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