Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

James Biden tells GOP lawmakers that Joe Biden had no involvement in the family's business dealings

WASHINGTON - President Joe Biden ''never had any involvement'' in the business dealings of other members of his family, his brother James Biden testified Wednesday when he appeared for a voluntary private interview on Capitol Hill as part of House Republicans' impeachment inquiry.

''I have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities,'' the president's younger brother said in a 10-page opening statement to lawmakers obtained by The Associated Press. ''None.''

The interview with both Republican and Democratic staff as well as lawmakers lasted more than eight hours. During several breaks, Republicans came out and told reporters, without citing details, that James Biden's responses contradicted his opening statement and that he had made efforts to avoid directly answering investigators' questions.


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