Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Shock, anger, confusion grip Alabama after court ruling on embryos

Alabama doctors are puzzled over whether they will have to make changes to in vitro fertilization procedures. Couples have crammed into online support groups wondering if they should transfer frozen embryos out of state. And attorneys are warning that divorce settlements that call for frozen embryos to be destroyed may now be void.

Throughout Alabama, there is widespread shock, anger and confusion over how to proceed after the state Supreme Court ruled Friday that frozen embryos are people, a potentially far-reaching decision that could upend women's reproductive health care in a state that already has one of the nation's strictest abortion laws.

"Women who actually know what happened, they feel under attack and almost powerless," said AshLeigh Meyer Dunham, a Birmingham mother who conceived a child through in vitro fertilization and is a partner in a law firm that specializes in assisted reproductive technology cases. "First you had the Dobbs decision and now this. What does this even mean?"


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