Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Nation Tribal Regulatory Cannabis Agency releases statement

It has come to our attention that rumors are circulating around discussions and actions that took place at the 01.30.24 meeting of the [Red Lake] Tribal Council. In an effort to set the record straight, and in the interest of transparency, we wish to communicate the following facts:

- The Tribal Regulatory Cannabis Agency was established in the passing of the Adult-Use Cannabis Ordinance to be responsible for the regulation of cannabis activities on Red Lake lands The roles and responsibilities of the agency include compliance and enforcement of established rules and regulations to ensure the integrity of cannabis operations. Violations of the Adult-Use Cannabis Ordinance should be reported to the TRCA (Tribal Regulatory Cannabis Agency).

- The Tribal Regulatory Cannabis Commission consists of (5) Tribal Members appointed by the Tribal Council to serve as the governing body of the Tribal Regulatory Cannabis Agency.

- Inquiries have been made into activities conducted by Secretary Strong in his official capacity as a member of the Cannabis Board

- The Tribal Regulatory Cannabis Agency reviewed these inquiries, and presented their findings to the Tribal Council at a Special Meeting that was held on 01.30.24.

- Documents leaked to social media were confidential documents containing a small segment of the information related to the inquiry.

- The product in question has been accounted for.


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