Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Tribal group angered Pioneer Press hid medallion on St. Paul land considered sacred

Members of a Native American nonprofit in St. Paul say they feel disrespected by the city's daily newspaper for hiding its annual Treasure Hunt medallion in a nature sanctuary east of downtown that the group manages and considers sacred land.

"I hate to make the comparison, but it's like basically digging around in a church," said Jenna Grey Eagle, an environmental justice and stewardship programs manager for the nonprofit, Wakan Tipi Awanyankapi. "It's strictly just disrespect."

The Pioneer Press has held its annual Treasure Hunt since the 1950s, connected to the city's longstanding Winter Carnival. Organizers select a park and hide the medallion, typically burying it in the snow. This year they hid the medallion in Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary, which contains Wakan Tipi Cave.


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