Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Complaint seeks federal investigation of antisemitism at University of Minnesota

A law professor and a former University of Minnesota regent are asking the U.S. Department of Education to investigate concerns about antisemitism at the university.

"Antisemitism is a pressing problem in [the College of Liberal Arts], and a focused and expeditious investigation by the Department could help alleviate an increasingly oppressive academic atmosphere for our students," wrote professor and former White House ethics lawyer Richard Painter and former Regent Michael Hsu. "The Department nonetheless may determine that circumstances warrant extending the investigation to the entire University, and its five campuses in Minnesota."

The complaint raises concerns about the university's decision to allow some faculty members to post pro-Palestinian statements on an official university website, and it lists five incidents for possible investigation. It comes as colleges nationwide have been grappling with tensions over the war between Hamas and Israel, trying to walk a line balancing free speech concerns with a desire to ensure students have a safe learning environment.


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