Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Middle School Embraces Ojibwe Culture by Learning the Art of Field Dressing a Deer

In a captivating showcase of cultural appreciation and hands-on learning. Led by the knowledgeable guide, Darius Rosebear of Rosebear Guide Service, the students were given the extraordinary opportunity to witness and participate in the intricate process of field dressing a deer.

Over the span of two immersive days, November 21st and 22nd, the Ojibwe Culture and Language class, exposed the eager students to the ancestorial practices passed down through generations. Under the expert guidance of Darius Rosebear, the students were shown the step-by-step techniques associated with handling and preparing a deer for consumption.

From the initial cuts to the careful skinning, and the precise quartering, the students actively engaged in every aspect of the process. With a sense of reverence for the animal, like the offering of asema (tobacco) after the kill and an understanding of sustainable hunting practices, they discovered the importance of utilizing every part of the animal as a show of respect and gratitude.

As the waawaashkeshiwi-wiiyaas (deer meat) sizzled in the frying pan, filling the air with mouthwatering aromas, the students witnessed the rewarding fruits of their labor. This firsthand experience not only taught them practical skills but also instilled a deep appreciation for their culture and connection to the natural world.

This remarkable initiative serves as proof to the Red Lake Middle School's dedication to nurturing our students with a strong sense of cultural appreciation. Through these unique educational opportunities, students are not only gaining knowledge but also forging everlasting connections to their culture.

We would like to say Chi-miigwech to Darius Rosebear, the Indian Education Department, and to everyone else who made this possible for our students.


Jesse Smith


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