Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Nation 1st Annual Holiday Parade held on November 24, 2023 - P5

Red Lake Nation 1st Annual Holiday Parade held on November 24, 2023

Winners List

Family Category:

1st Place - English-Defoe Family

2nd Place - The Grinches Slave - Dion Burris

3rd Place - Sumner/May Family - Thelma May

Business Category:

1st Place - Red Lake Housing Authority

2nd Place - Red Lake Nation College

3rd Place - Red Lake Community Center

Kiddie Parade:

1st Place - Santa saves Xmas - Zoey May

2nd Place - Xmas Presents - Tre Howard, Jr.

3rd Place - M&M's Castle - Stillday Boys

Honorable Mentions:

Little Grinch - Landon Barrett

Banana Clause - Bryanna Beaulieu

Elfie 1 - Amira Beaulieu

Elfie 2 - Amara Beaulieu

The Pilgram - Lucianna RedEagle

The Pilgram 2 - Charlotte RedEagle

Jive Turkey - Elliana RedEagle

Holiday Train - Debbie Stately kids

Santa's Helper - Peyton May

Jack Skellyton - Jace

Family/Business categories paid $400, $300, $200.

Kiddie Parade paid $300, $200, $100 and $50 for Honorable Mentions.

The event was sponsored by Red Lake Housing Authority and Red Lake Community Center.


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