Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Nation 1st Annual Holiday Parade held on November 24, 2023

Red Lake Nation 1st Annual Holiday Parade held on November 24, 2023

Winners List

Family Category:

1st Place - English-Defoe Family

2nd Place - The Grinches Slave - Dion Burris

3rd Place - Sumner/May Family - Thelma May

Business Category:

1st Place - Red Lake Housing Authority

2nd Place - Red Lake Nation College

3rd Place - Red Lake Community Center

Kiddie Parade:

1st Place - Santa saves Xmas - Zoey May

2nd Place - Xmas Presents - Tre Howard, Jr.

3rd Place - M&M's Castle - Stillday Boys

Honorable Mentions:

Little Grinch - Landon Barrett

Banana Clause - Bryanna Beaulieu

Elfie 1 - Amira Beaulieu

Elfie 2 - Amara Beaulieu

The Pilgram - Lucianna RedEagle

The Pilgram 2 - Charlotte RedEagle

Family/Business categories paid $400, $300, $200.

Kiddie Parade paid $300, $200, $100 and $50 for Honorable Mentions.

The event was sponsored by Red Lake Housing Authority and Red Lake Community Center.

Jive Turkey - Elliana RedEagle

Holiday Train - Debbie Stately kids

Santa's Helper - Peyton May

Jack Skellyton - Jace


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