Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

How to Talk Turkey About Education

Back by popular demand, CER’s famous Turkey Talking Tips to make your gathering more digestible this year!

Worried about starting the culture wars with Aunt Carol when you are on your third glass of wine? Pah! Just share the story about how a group of Pilgrims joined with the Wampanoag and how that led to your being able to sit down at the table to enjoy the four Fs: Family, Friends, Freedom & Football! Click the link and play the game that takes you through the First Thanksgiving.

According to official records, it sounds like the first stuffing was actually a Native American dish! "While the celebrants might well have feasted on wild turkey, the local diet also included fish, eels, shellfish, and a Wampanoag dish called nasaump, which the Pilgrims had adopted: boiled cornmeal mixed with vegetables and meats.”

Here’s the conversation starter of the night:

“Speaking of turkeys, Uncle Jack, remember the Alamo? Well, there was another big battle fought in Texas this past week. A bunch of white, rural Republican turkeys killed a bill to give poor and needy kids a chance at the education they deserve.”

And what happens after the plates are cleared? Entertain and inspire all of your dinner guests with remarkable stories of innovation from around the country. Debate which of the 33 Yass Prizes Semifinalists should get an extra $100,000 then have your entire family vote in the Parents Choice Award!

Experts say that you’re never supposed to start a sentence with “you never…” or “you make me so mad when…” When you’re feeling that urge, try sharing a great story instead. “Hey, Cuz, did you read the story about the microschool started by a group of black moms? They are in three states and giving children a personalized education to succeed.”

Instead of arguing about the 2024 election, educate your family and read President Lincoln’s Proclamation in 1863, proclaiming a national day of "Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens", calling on the American people to also, "with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience ... fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty hand to heal the wounds of the nation.”

Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy & Engaging Thanksgiving!

From the CER and Yass Prize family!


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