Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Sisters plead guilty to theft from township, church in Kandiyohi County

WILLMAR, Minn. — Two sisters alleged to have stolen nearly $100,000 from a church and a township in Kandiyohi County each pleaded guilty to four counts of felony theft.

Debra Kaye Hamborg, 61, of Sunburg , and Annette Marie Dingmann, 60, of Benson , each pleaded guilty in back-to-back hearings Sept. 1 in Kandiyohi County District Court . In exchange, several remaining theft counts against each of them will be dismissed.

According to the plea petitions for both Hamborg and Dingmann, there will be no more than 30 days in executed jail time, and an additional 60-day staggered sentence may be waived if they remain compliant with pending conditions.


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