Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Clarence Thomas' rich friends treated him to at least 38 trips, ProPublica reports

Clarence Thomas's travel bankrolled by wealthy friends was more extensive than previously reported and included yachting trips around the Bahamas, premium sports events and a private 737 sent to retrieve the U.S. Supreme Court justice, according to a new ProPublica report.

The news organization, which cites oil baron Paul "Tony" Novelly as a benefactor whose gifts to Thomas haven't previously been reported, details trips to at least 38 vacation destinations funded by friends he made during his time on the court. The travel, including 26 private jet trips and eight helicopter flights, often went unreported by Thomas on his annual financial disclosure filings required of judges, the report said.

Thomas's wealthy benefactors have also included private equity executive David Sokol and the late H. Wayne Huizenga, according to news reports.


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