Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

In the end, there's no good reason to legalize marijuana

The risks of normalizing marijuana use outweigh the benefits

In his State of the State address, Gov. Tim Walz vowed to make Minnesota the best state in the country in which to raise a family. Now the governor and his allies are poised to diminish Minnesota's public health and quality of life by legalizing recreational pot.

Extensive data from other states shows how legalization will unfold. There will be a sharp increase in traffic fatalities. A statistically small but very real cohort of people - thousands of them, disproportionately young - will develop addiction or psychosis. Little children will develop medical problems because of prenatal exposure or because of eating cannabis-laden edibles left by adults.

Pot shops and billboards will spring up everywhere (unlike in other states, Minnesota communities won't be able to opt out). Marijuana will be aggressively marketed to young adults, who are vulnerable because their brains aren't mature. Health impacts will fall most heavily on the poorest, least-resourced and least-sophisticated families in Minnesota.


Reader Comments(3)

Don7besom4d writes:

Get mad, hahaha what kind of boomer propaganda you slinging Herr cheif?

Hilarious writes:

Ummm tell me MARIJUANA hurt you without telling me MARIJUANA hurt you. You obviously went first. Have you even encountered it in the wild or is this just what you’ve been told your whole life? What are the benefits of MEDICAL MARIJUANA a hoax? Kids that stop having multiple seizures after a single dose of THC oils, is that all for the camera? More fake news? Seriously climb down off your soapbox and do some real, hard research on the good and bad, then write an educated article.

Annie writes:

Keep MN safe and healthy, do not legalize Marijuana! Healthcare providers and law enforcement will see the bad effects, so will residents suffer, hit by an impaired driver and costs go up for all. Urge your representatives to vote no, and not be greedy as they want the tax money so the state suffers under their greed!!!!