Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources seeks water sample volunteers

Apr. 26—ST. PAUL — The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is seeking volunteers to conduct a simple water clarity test in a lake or stream at least twice a month during the summer. With more than 92,000 miles of streams and over 12,000 lakes in Minnesota, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Volunteer Water Monitoring Program is gearing up for the 50th season of lake and stream water clarity monitoring across the state.

"We at the DNR are excited to support the MPCA in these efforts and hope you will too," a release said.

At least twice a month during the summer, volunteers measure water clarity using a Secchi disk or tube at designated locations on lakes or streams. During each visit, they record their reading and observations on the physical and recreational conditions of their lake or stream. They submit the information at the end of each monitoring season. Anyone can do it and no prior experience is needed.


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