Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

DEED commissioner, incoming Star Tribune publisher Steve Grove settles journalist's lawsuit

Grove was announced as the Star Tribune's new publisher Tuesday

The state of Minnesota's economic development commissioner - who is also the incoming publisher for the Star Tribune - agreed to settle a lawsuit with independent journalist Tony Webster this week over claims that his office violated the state's public records law.

Webster's lawsuit, filed last November, alleged that Steve Grove, in his capacity as commissioner of Minnesota's Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), blocked members of the public on his personal Twitter account. Webster filed a records request for a list of all accounts blocked by DEED and Grove, and DEED took more than six months to respond with incomplete data, an infringement of the Minnesota Data Practices Act, according to Webster's suit.

In a settlement completed Monday, Grove and DEED agreed to pay Webster $17,000 and disclose all DEED-affiliated block lists, and in return, Webster will drop the lawsuit. The settlement stipulates that neither party admits liability.


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