Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Annual Labor Day Pow Wow held in Ponemah - Saturday Afternoon Session - P23

Annual Labor Day Pow Wow held in Ponemah

Obashiing Labor Day Princess Jasinda Kingbird

Obashiing Labor Day Brave Kordae kingbird

Ponemah Parade Winners:


1st - Ymanni Burris - $200

2nd - Waylen Johnson Cloud - $150

3rd - Cataleya Burris

4th - Olivianna Zamora & Judy

Honorable Mentions

Devin Johnson

Coburn Johnson

Miranda Zamora

Braxton Zamora

Orrin Spears Jr/

James May

Miles Sumner

Oliver & Arthur Tessendorf

Dakarai Burris

Amira Beaulieu

Amara Beaulieu

Bryanna Beauieu

Charlotte Redeagle

Lusie Redeagle

Ellie Redeagle


1st - Kallea Martin & Natalie Richards - $300

2nd - Shai Star Donnell - $200

3rd - Joelle Desjarlait - $100

Local Business

1st - Ponemah Boys & Girls Club - $300

2nd - Red Lake Community Center - $200

3rd - Awaasiiwag - Veronica Kingbird-Bratvold - $100

Rez Car

1st - John Zamora - $300

2nd - Wesley Cloud Jr. - $200

3rd - Dayton French - $100

3rd - Cedric Barrett - $100

Winners in the Murphy Thomes Memorial Special

1st Place - $2500 Pendleton,Applique Ribbon Shirt Trevor Jay Street

2nd Place - $2000& Blanket Tristan Lasley

3rd Place - $1500 & Blanket Reuben Crowfeather Jr.

4th Place - $1,000 & Blanket Marcus Winchester

5th Place - 500.00 & Blanket Dana Warrington

Ponemah Pow Wow Bike Race Winners


1st Sabrina Nelson

2nd Allysa Dow

3rd Shena Martin


1ST Jared Nelson

2nd Caleb Graves

3rd Elbert White

Obashiing Powwow Singing Contest

Champion: 6005 pts The Descendants

2nd place: 5910 pts Meskwaki Nation

3rd place: 5905 pts: Bull Horn

4th place: 5865 pts.: Southern Style

5TH place: 5760 pts: Motown

6th place Tomahawk Circle


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