Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

DNC Intervenes to Protect Voting Rights in Wisconsin

The Democratic National Committee has intervened to block a lawsuit filed by a Republican-affiliated plaintiff in Wisconsin. The DNC is acting to ensure that fully eligible voters whose absentee ballots are rejected have every available option to fix any issues and vote on or before Election Day.

With voters already voting in Wisconsin, this lawsuit is aimed at changing the rules for this and future elections to deny Wisconsinites a chance to be heard. The Democratic Party is committed to ensuring that every eligible voter can cast a valid ballot in Wisconsin.

“This lawsuit is simply another attempt by Republicans and their allies to restrict voting access and undermine the democratic process – and we’re fighting back,” said Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison. “The DNC is taking action to ensure all eligible Wisconsin voters are able to fulfill their sacred right to vote, free from partisan obstruction.”


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