Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

American Indian Movement Joins Long Walk to Pressure California Governor to Sign Agriculture Bill

SACRAMENTO, Calif.-The national and local chapters of the American Indian Movement (AIM) joined the United Farm Workers (UFW) on a 24-day "March for the Governor's Signature" to encourage California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) to sign Assembly Bill 2183, which provides farmworkers more opportunities to vote in elections.

The 335-mile march from Delano to Sacramento began on Aug. 3 and followed the same route UFW co-founder Cezar Chavez led farm workers on during the 1966 march that resulted in the organization's first union contract.

On Friday, which was California Farm Worker Appreciation Day, thousands gathered in Sacramento to conclude the march with a rally at the state capitol, where longtime AIM spiritual leader Fred Short provided a prayer for the crowd.


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