Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

15th Annual Red Lake Youth Conference: Youth Council brings healing back to community

Red Lake, MN June 2, 2022- The Red Lake Nation Youth Council will be hosting their 15th Annual Red Lake Youth Conference over two days on June 8th and 9th. This year's theme is "Healing within Nature" and will be hosted at the Red Lake Nation College.

The conference will focus on gathering young leaders and community members from the surrounding areas to create an environment of healing. Utilizing our culture and traditional teachings through a modern perspective from a new generation viewpoint. During this two-day conference topics of discussion will include leadership skills, indigenous tea identification, indigenous yoga instruction, reconnecting with plant relatives and workshops concentrated on traditional men's and women's teachings.

Members of the Youth Council are not just the future leaders, but they are here and leading their peers now. Together they have been able to create safe spaces for other youth to reconnect with cultural traditions led by their youth spiritual leader. They started the first pride event in Red Lake as proud allies, discussed higher education needs for youth to tribal leadership, collaborated with youth from other communities on issues they face and serve their community with many other efforts. Further details about the Red Lake Nation Youth Council and how to register for the conference can be found on their Facebook page.


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