Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

House Democrats Refuse Tax Relief

St. Paul, MN – HF 36699, the Omnibus Tax Bill was presented on the House Floor on Wednesday and included very little tax relief for Minnesotans.

“Our state budget surplus remains at $7 billion,” Representative Matt Grossell, R-Clearbrook, said. “Despite this, property taxes are skyrocketing, and taxes continue to weaken our economy.”

In Minnesota, Democrats' proposed budget plans would spend $21 for every $1 in tax cuts. This comes as Minnesotans struggle with inflation, higher gas prices and food shortages in the Biden/Walz economy.

Property taxes are on the rise as well across the state. The Chair of the Tax Committee hailed the bill as the “largest tax cut in 20 years,” however, the bill does not include any permanent tax reductions and includes an increase in permanent spending. The bill would shift $18.7 million in rising property tax burdens back onto middle-class families.


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