Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Minnesota's top federal prosecutor announces crackdown on carjackings, guns and gangs

Minnesota U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger pledged Tuesday to devote the "entire weight" of his office to punishing violent criminals, part of an aggressive strategy he said is necessary to curb a surge in carjackings, shootings and gang activity in the Twin Cities.

Standing alongside local law enforcement leaders at the federal courthouse in Minneapolis, Luger said he's instructed all 42 prosecutors in the criminal division of his office to work on violent crime cases, which he will oversee from indictment to sentencing.

"Everyone within the sound of my voice who is contemplating the next carjacking or engaged in gang activity or trafficking in illegal weapons is forewarned," Luger said. "End the plague of violence now. You have a choice, and now is the time to walk away. Federal prosecution and federal incarceration are the alternative."


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