Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Scientists design new way to remove invasive carp from Rice Creek

They used an "electric fence for fish" to remove more than 10,000 carp during last year's spring spawning season

Thousands of invasive carp swim the channel of Ramsey County's Rice Creek and its connected lakes, rooting along the bottom and setting off a cascade of damaging effects that harm native fish, birds and plants.

Now University of Minnesota ecologists, who have spent years studying the life cycle of this unwanted fish in the Rice Creek system, are using that research coupled with new technology including "an electric fence for fish" to remove thousands of carp each spring.

"We will not meet our water-quality goals for these lakes without managing carp," said Matt Kocian, lake and stream specialist for the Rice Creek Watershed District, which is managing the carp removal program.


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