Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Chairman Frazier statement on South Dakota Governor executive order

EAGLE BUTTE, South Dakota - On April 5, 2022, the Governor of the state of South Dakota has made it clear that the United States is not responsible for any of its actions. In true dictator fashion she is forbidding the educators of our children to hear, speak or discuss critical issues that would enable our future generations to solve the problems in which we have failed.

I condemn the recent executive order issued by the Governor of South Dakota for all the polished ugliness that it represents. I can go on being critical of the statement but I would like to tell you what it means for us. The style of leadership which dictates thought and restricts educators from encouraging critical thinking is not the leadership my people deserve.

This executive order [PDF] is divisive and contributes to the very political indoctrination that it professes to prevent. Under the cover of great virtue, the Governor is promoting a great evil by dictating the thoughts of our teachers and children.


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