Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Dept. of Interior Recognizes Tribal Sovereignty in Allocation of Environmental Cleanup Funds, Includes Navajo Nation, Precludes State of Oklahoma

The Biden administration broke the mold last week when it recognized tribal sovereignty in its allocation of money, under the new bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to 22 states plus the Navajo Nation and potentially tribal lands in Oklahoma.

Last Tuesday, the Department of the Interior (DOI) announced it would be spending close to $725 million over the next decade and a half to restimulate old mining communities across the United States. The money will go to the states and lands most impacted by abandoned coal mines to hire local, former coal industry workers who will then conduct environmental cleanup work and eventually create recreational facilities, renewable energy facilities, or other economic development opportunities in so-called Abandoned Mine Lands (AML).

"AML funding will enable states to remediate abandoned mines that are leaking methane – a key contributor to climate change," DOI's press release said.


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