Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Red Lake Tribal Council COVID-19 Update Monday, February 14, 2022

Red Lake Tribal Council

Monday, February 14, 2022 – COVID-19 Update

Red Lake Nation:

Active cases: 22*

*9 in Red Lake

*8 in Redby

*0 in Little Rock

*5 in Ponemah

*0 who reside off-res but tested at RL IHS

Of the 22 active cases:

*12 are minors

*4 individuals are fully vaccinated

*0 tested positive with an at-home test kit

*2 are in the hospital

Total cases: 2,095

Total Recovered: 2,073

Deaths: 18

(Updated numbers as of 9:00 a.m. on 2/14/2022 – Please note that the District #'s may change upon verification but the total number of active cases is correct according to daily reports provided by the Red Lake Hospital Contact Tracing Team.)

Due to the increased need in testing, the Red Lake Hospital is asking that you call to schedule your COVID test so they can better assist everyone in a timely manner. Call 218-679-3912 and press 1. COVID vaccinations and flu shots are being provided through Walk in clinic. Booster shots are available in Outpatient clinic to patients 16 and older and within six (6) months from their last dose of the vaccine. An incentive of $130 for each shot is provided to individuals.

If you feel ill, please call the nurse line at 218-679-3912 and press 1 to set up a COVID test. And, if you have tested positive for COVID, it is VERY IMPORTANT to follow the isolation directions from the Contact Tracing Team. This will help control the spread of the virus.

The COVID-19 vaccine is another form of protection for you. As we all know, a vaccinated person can still contract COVID, but more than likely, a vaccinated person might not become as sick as an un-vaccinated person.

It is urged for everyone, ages 5 and up, to get vaccinated. We all need to protect each other, especially our children that aren't old enough to be vaccinated and our members that have a compromised or weak immune system. The vaccine is our best defense against COVID-19.

CDC guidelines recommend wearing masks indoors at all public places and of course hand washing/sanitizing as much as possible. Stay safe everyone.



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