Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

List of vaccine injuries is not what it seems, public officials warn

Public health ex­perts are con­cerned that un­veri­fied re­ports to a fed­er­al vac­cine in­ju­ry data­base are be­ing mis­un­der­stood by the public and ex­ploit­ed by skeptics in a way that is under­min­ing im­mu­ni­za­tion ef­forts against COVID-19.

The raw data can be star­tling be­cause the Vac­cine Ad­verse E­vent Reporting System (VAERS) con­tains 299 re­ports of Min­ne­so­tans dy­ing af­ter COVID-19 vac­ci­na­tion, but most of the claims turn out to be co­in­ci­dences or un­re­lat­ed to the shots, said Dr. Greg­o­ry Po­land, di­rec­tor of Mayo Clinic's Vac­cine Research Group.

"I will guar­an­tee you there are not 299 Min­ne­so­tans who died as a re­sult of COVID vac­cine," he said.


Reader Comments(1)

Torch75 writes:

Nothing gets into VEARS unless it HAS been verified. That is why it's been used in relation to pulling record numbers of other vaccines when reports of injuries and Deaths start rolling in. CVD vaccines have killed more people than all other vaccines combined. The public is being forced to ignore the dangers by misleading articles like this one, and publishers of such should be heals liable.