Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Youth & elders: Learning from each other

MIGIZI Communications has served the Minneapolis urban Native community since 1977. Through the decades it has served thousands of youth with opportunities to advance their knowledge in the media and beyond. Last year, MIGIZI's building caught on fire during the civil unrest following the death of George Floyd. Executive Director Kelly Drummer, Oglala Lakota, says the organization is "healing" with a rebuild.

The Elders and Youth Conference is an annual gathering hosted by the First Alaskan Institute. It started Sunday and is being held virtually for a second year in a row due to the pandemic. The elder keynote speaker is Ruth Booth. She is 84-years-old and is a part of the Metlakatla community. Booth is renowned for her ability to make traditional medicines.

The youth keynote speaker is 15-year-old Oliver Tyrrell. He is a Yup’ik high school student in Anchorage, Alaska. Tyrrell is an outspoken advocate and member of the LGBTQ and trans community.


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