Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Unvaccinated continue to drive COVID-19 growth in Minnesota

Unvaccinated make up 71% of state's infections

Minnesota over the past week identified another 6,012 breakthrough coronavirus infections in fully vaccinated individuals, but trend data continue to show that unvaccinated people were hardest hit by the latest COVID-19 wave.

The identification of breakthrough infections occurred during a seven-day period in which 20,516 more infections were detected through diagnostic testing in Minnesota. Although unvaccinated people make up 38% of Minnesota's population - including children 11 and younger who aren't eligible for the shots - a comparison with the breakthrough data shows that they made up about 71% of the infections identified in the past week.

Breakthrough and total infection numbers are confirmed and reported separately by the state, though, making this a rough estimate.


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