Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

$12 Billion Proposed for Indian Country in Infrastructure Bill is Needed & Welcomed

Opinion. It is especially gratifying to see President Joe Biden lead in pushing to address the nation's aging infrastructure with roads, bridges, water systems, schools, newer and greener energy platforms, public transit and high-speed rail, and much needed technology and broadband upgrades. President Biden's and key members of Congress' announcement of a compromise deal for $1.2 trillion American Job's Infrastructure plan will bring an additional $12 billion to Indian Country and a total appropriation to Indian County to historical levels to more than $44 billion dollars in the first year of this Administration and Congressional session.

As chairperson of the largest tribe east of the Mississippi River, the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, and 1st Vice President of the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), I routinely remind the White House, Senate and the House to recognize and honor the federal treaty and trust obligation due to the over 500 million acres of land ceded in exchange for "health, education and social welfare" into perpetuity.


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