Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Indian burial sites in Canada trigger grief here

U.S. is right to search this nation's former Indian boarding schools for answers

First came the discovery of more than 200 unmarked graves at a burial site on a former Indian boarding school property in British Columbia. Then, just weeks later, came an even more appalling revelation: another 751 graves found at another former Indian school in Saskatchewan.

The graves are reminders of a horrific period in history when Indian children were removed from their families, sometimes by force, and packed into what in Canada, typically, were church-run residential schools. Thousands went missing. It is only now that we are beginning to learn the sad fate some of them met.

News of the mass graves has been agonizing for the Indigenous people of Canada, but the impact has also rippled out to tribal nations across the United States. Indian boarding schools represent a particularly shameful chapter in this country's treatment of Native Americans. The schools were intended to sever children from everything familiar to them: families, tribes, culture, language, religion.


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