Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Mid to Upper 90s Will Set New Heat Records

Men will sweat. Women will glow. Dogs will pant. Cats won't care. An antiperspirant airmass pushes into Minnesota on a gusty, blast-furnace breeze, pushing the mercury into the mid to upper 90s the next few days. That's 120-140 degrees warmer than it was just 4 months ago, during The February of Our Discontent.

All-time temperature records will be set. Today's record at MSP is 96F (possible) but tomorrow's record high on 92 will be broken by lunchtime. I would not be surprised to see 100-degree heat north and west of the Twin Cities; the best chance coming over the Red River Valley.

Some like it hot, and if you savor a perpetual sauna you'll be happy into most of next week. I don't see any real relief looking out 7-9 days. Highs next week flirt with 90F, a few garden- variety thundershowers bubbling each day to break up the muggy monotony.


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