Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Amid pandemic, St. Paul reports 25% increase in violent crime

Violent crime in St. Paul rose 25% last year amid record-breaking gun violence and fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.

St. Paul's year-end crime statistics for 2020 showed a notable, double-digit increase for every major category except rape and residential burglary. Property crime is also up 13% for the second straight year, according to preliminary police data released Wednesday.

"This has been an incredibly hard year for all of us - dealing with the global pandemic, historic levels of civil unrest and the very real economic pain during one of the most difficult periods in our country's history," said St. Paul Police Chief Todd Axtell. "It's astonishing that people will use these incidents as an opportunity to take advantage of others, victimize people and add to the misery they're already suffering."


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