Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Beltrami County DFL Condemns the Attempted Insurrection at the US Capitol

Bemidji, Minn. – On January 6th, Americans witnessed an attempted insurrection by a mob that attacked the United States Congress as it carried out its constitutional duty of certifying the results of a free and fair election. The mob was incited by President Trump to do so, and by the many GOP officials who willfully peddled misinformation about last November’s election. This riot was nothing less than an attack on American democracy and the Constitution, and should be investigated and litigated as such.

Curtiss Hunt, Chair of the Beltrami County DFL said, “We join the Minnesota DFL in calling for the constitutional process to be honored and protected.” Hunt added, “We also call upon lawmakers to hold each other accountable for the violent rhetoric and ideology that led to last week’s attack on the United States. Specifically, we call upon Reps. Fischbach and Hagedorn to resign their posts, or for them to be legally removed from their offices, if they will not resign. We do not make this call lightly, or even because the Representatives belong to another party. Their enthusiastic support of disproven, wild rumors about election fraud licenses the increasingly violent behavior of some of their supporters, and put the capitol, its defenders and their fellow lawmakers in harm’s way.”

“The Beltrami DFL stands for the civil rights of protestors prepared to speak up against injustice. Peaceful protest, embodying respect for fellow Americans, should always have a place in American democracy. But legitimate protest should never be confused with a violent assault on neighbors and the democratic process.”


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