Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

Embedding tutoring into school day could offset COVID slide

Dive Brief:

• Equal-access tutoring is emerging as an equity-based solution to correct pandemic-related learning loss, District Administration reports, noting the practice is considered an effective intervention and can be scaled nationally, but is currently only widely available to those who can afford private tutoring.

• The first step in implementing a permanent tutoring system is to add 30 minutes to the school day, which would allow tutors to work with groups of two to four students. Older students would tutor younger students, and college students could become tutors as a work-study job.

• Providing tutoring to the students in the nation's 20,000 lowest performing schools would cost the federal government about $10 billion a year, though some municipalities have already invested in this type of intervention. Los Angeles Unified School District, for example, is paying teachers to tutor students outside of school, and Maryland has allocated $100 million to its tutoring programs.


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