Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

First COVID-19 vaccines administered on White Earth Reservation

The first COVID-19 vaccines were administered to 10 health care workers at White Earth Heath Center on Tuesday, Dec. 15.

Officials from the Indian Health Service headquartered in Rockville, Md., were at the health center near Ogema on the White Earth Reservation to oversee the administration of some of the first COVID-19 vaccines in Minnesota. The IHS is an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and is the principal federal care provider for American Indians and Alaska natives.

"We're excited about this important milestone that we've reached on the COVID-19 vaccine," said Rear Adm. Michael D. Weahkee, director of the Indian Health Services. "COVID-19 vaccines are being distributed, as we speak, to federal, tribal and urban Indian organizations to ensure that the vaccine is effectively delivered throughout Indian country."


Reader Comments(1)

Mindawe writes:

I'm a Red Lake member living on White Earth. And I will NOT be taking this poisonous concoction. Big pharma can't be sued for any liability! Australia suspended their vaccination program because patients were testing positive for HIV. The UK had nursed go into anaphylactic shock! Nope. I'll watch everyone else.