Babaamaajimowinan (Telling of news in different places)

States Should Follow Florida's Footsteps and Reopen

Governors Should Use Accurate Data, Follow the Science, and Restore Freedom

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) supports Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ decision to reopen the state’s economy on September 25 after he consulted public health officials.

Governor DeSantis’ latest executive order bars local governments from enforcing restaurant and bar closures, and bans fines and fees tied to local COVID-19 compliance efforts. Fines attached to local COVID-19 regulations, like mask mandates, are now suspended in an effort to “get away from trying to penalize people.”

On September 24, Governor DeSantis held a virtual roundtable discussion with leading public health experts discussing COVID-19, statewide shutdowns, destructive mandates, herd immunity strategies, and the inaccuracies of PCR tests.

“Thanks to The New York Times, Americans now know that ‘positive case’ numbers are inflated, and therefore actual infection rates are not known because COVID-19 testing has been done incorrectly,” said Twila Brase, president and co-founder of CCHF. “PCR testing amplifies virus particles to ‘detect’ them, but too much amplification finds particles that are so minute that it’s not enough to infect the individual or be infectious to those around them.”

The New York Times reported on August 29 that up to 90% of the positive cases identified by PCR testing in Nevada, Massachusetts, and New York are not positive. The tests did not identify live, infectious virus. However, these cases are still counted as ‘positive cases’ in the aggregate.

“These inaccurate case numbers are being used to justify continued statewide economic shutdowns, which have devastating and lasting consequences on communities,” she continued.

At the roundtable, Harvard professor Martin Kulldorff, who supported the lifting of restrictions, said herd immunity is a “natural phenomena” that will be reached “sooner or later.”

“Herd immunity is the goal. Those who are vulnerable, in this case the elderly, can be protected because other people are immune, even though they themselves were never immune and never were infected,” Kulldorff stated.

“As Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) recently stated during Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony to the U.S. Senate, ‘it’s important that we the people do not simply acquiesce to authoritarian mandates on our behavior without first making the nanny state prove their hypothesis.’ Governor DeSantis made the best decision for his state. He looked at the science and the data, he listened to the experts, he shared that information with his constituents in a publicly aired roundtable, and then he opened up the state of Florida. Every governor across the country should take a page out of the DeSantis playbook,” she concluded.

CCHF maintains a patient-centered, privacy-focused, free-market perspective. CCHF has worked in its home state of Minnesota and at the national level for more than 20 years to protect health care choices, individualized patient care, and medical and genetic privacy rights. In 2016, CCHF launched The Wedge of Health Freedom, an online directory of direct-pay practices (

Twila Brase, RN, PHN has been named by Modern Healthcare as one of the “100 Most Powerful People in Health Care.” She is the host of the daily Health Freedom Minute radio program heard by over 5 million weekly listeners on more than 800 radio stations nationwide, and the author of the eight-time award-winning book, “Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records.”


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